Passive Income

Start a YouTube Channel Blueprint

With the World’s Situation, where everything is moving at Super Speed. People always think what if I Tried to Make money online?

One of the most popular methods of earning money online is to Star a YouTube Channel. People nowadays use YouTube as a pure Search Engine, when anyone needs anything they Search for it on YouTube, for sure they will find some Video that will address that concern or question. Because of that, YouTube is one of the most reliable vehicles for a Content Creator to share his knowledge and to make his message reach the World.

Work Station

I have studied the Internet, Tried several false claims on how to ways of making money online, paid for several courses by false Gurus on how to get rich easily and quickly. All of that was a Big waste of Money and, most of all, a big waste of Time.

I then realized, and there is a lot on the Internet, that I was either exchanging Time for Money so I was simply running around chasing my “Tail”, or I was just Loosing Time and Money at the same Time. I had to find what so many successful entrepreneurs were doing to actually earn money on a sustainable way without the need to be a prisoner of my income. That answer came with the sole definition of Passive Income. Passive income is the earnings You can get on Autopilot (Passively)

You can see my post on “What is Passive Income” to know a little more about! 


After a lot of investigation I compiled a simple Blueprint that Will help you to Start your YouTube Channel, step-by step to follow to get you all ready to start Posting Videos.

This Blueprint is divided in 3 main chapters: 

  • Build the channel concept 
  • Technical steps for the perfect channel 
  • Blueprint checklist to keep track

Building the Channel Concept

Before actually creating a Youtube channel you need to think and take decisions on several topics:

  • Channel Niche
  • Channel Name

Channel Niche or Subject Area:

This is the theme of your channel, the type of content you will be creating. You can pick from a very restricted niche (like chocolate cake cooking channel) to a really broad concept (like food of the World cooking channel). We strongly believe the best approach is to pick a channel niche that you are comfortable creating content on, remember that You will need to create video after video and you will need to be able to have new ideas to create new content all the time. And also because of that, you need to love what your content is all about. if not, the chances of you giving up are really big, You need to set all up for Success !!

Channel Name:

The Name Your choose for Your channel is really important and can be your Personal brand or a Topic brand:

  • Personal Brand – this can be just your first and last names like “Paul Asher”, can also, be one of the names with a theme designation like “Cooking Paul” or even better with additional purpose indication like “Paul the Cook” or “Cooking With Paul”. These are just examples of how you can communicate Your personal brand.
  • Topic Brand – this can be purely a mention of your content topic like “Cooking with Passion” or “Foods of the World” or even “Cooking with the Chef”. All of these need to be short and self-explanatory to allow the viewer to understand what your channel is all about from the Start. Be aware that your channel name is Your brand and should be consistent across all platforms:
  • Youtube Channel
  • Website (Blog)
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • etc …

Technical steps for the perfect channel

Now You need to prepare Your Brand for the channel creation and then actually create the Channel. for that, You need to take the following steps.

  • Create a Logo for your brand
  • Create a Banner for Your Channel
  • Create Your Channel
  • Optimize Your Channel

Create a Logo:

When it comes to YouTube channels, a Logo is a combination of Text and Images that tells people, not just Your name, but also communicates Your Vision for the Channel and it’s a big part of Your brand identity, (how people perceive Your Channel).

A Good Logo should be memorable and Differentiating and also should stand out. But in the end, it is Your Content that people will remember and tell their friends.

Logo Types:

There are several Logo types from those I will mention 3:

Image-Based Logos

More directed to non-personal brands and Usually combine Images and Text

Personal Picture Logos

More directed to personal branding and is the easiest and more used in Youtube channels

Text-based Logos

It is used for both Personal and non-personal Brands and it is also used by a significant number of channels

Create a channel Banner:

When starting a YouTube channel one of the important aspects is the Brand. For that, it’s critical to create one Creative and Objective Banner for our channel.

Create the Channel:

  1. Go to on your browser (we are using chrome); 
  1. Connect with your Google account or create one New; 

We Strongly Advise You to create a New Google Account because if you want to sell your Youtube channel in the Future, You have a separate account that it’s just for the channel and Brand (Social Media Included) 

After Following the Steps to create a Google Account you will create your channel. To do so You need to Create a Channel from the menu on the left:

Settings >  Create a new channel

  1. You can then pick the name and Create Your Channel.
  1. Then you will be asked to upload a picture or logo for your channel, to add a description and to add additional information. You can do it after. Actually, you should do all of this but I will explain in the optimization section of this document. 
  2. Now You will have Your channel but You need to make it your own. For that You need to go to “Customise Channel” Button.
Customise Channel

9. Then you need to go to the Branding Tab.

    • Upload the Profile Picture or Logo
    • Upload the Banner
    • Upload the Video Watermark.
Create sccount (6)

10. You will have the previews on-screen and You only need to press Publish for the changes to be reflected on Your Channel.

Create sccount (7)
  1. Finally, You have Your Channel Created and it is Visually Ready.

You have Successfully prepared the Visual Aspect Of You YouTube Channel. Now you need to optimize Your channel for Success.

Optimize Your Channel:

This is a very critical area that many content creators simply neglect.

This Optimization will help you rank Your channel and videos on Youtube and Google. This is the only way Your Videos and Channel will appear to the YouTube Users and get noticed when searched about. 

The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Should be done a two different levels to help rank Your videos and channel:

  • Channel SEO
  • Videos SEO

I will elaborate on Channel and Video Optimization for SEO. 

The Optimization for SEO is always based on Keywords. We start on the Channel optimization and then use this keywords also on the Video Optimization. All optimization should be constant and consistent all across the Channel and Videos.

The Optimization of Channel and Videos for SEO is always based on Keywords.

Channel Optimization:

Keywords are ideas and topics that define what your content is about. In terms of SEO, they’re the words and phrases that searchers enter into search engines, also called “search queries”. If you boil everything on your page — all the images, video, copy, etc. 

To Optimize your channel you need to insert the relevant Keywords for Your niche in: 

  • The Title


  • The Description


  • The Keywords

Video Optimization:

What is Important in the Video Keywords is that We need to use always the same ones from our niche and add additional for the relevance of the Video itself. By doing this We will rank on the YouTube Search but, most of all, Our Videos will rank on the sidebar when the User is already watching one of our videos. This will elevate the chances that the video that user will see next will also be one of Yours. 

This is Simple but a powerful tool that the Majority of the YouTubers are not using. And this Power can mean money.

Blueprint Checklist

Follow this Checklist to get your Youtube channel up and running.

  • Select Channel Niche 
  • Select Channel Name 
  • Create Logo Create 
  • Channel Banner 
  • Create Youtube Channel 
  • Optimize Channel for SEO 
  • Finally Start Posting Videos

I hope you found this Blueprint and checklist helpful for You and that it will enable the creation of your Youtube channel. I’d love to hear about it! Please leave the Name of Your brand and Your Youtube Channel in the comments below.

What is Passive Income?

The Dream of a lot of people is to be rich. That is not the Greed to have a lot of money, but the Simple Desire to be able to Do and/or Buy whatever they want, whenever they want without the need to worry about the Cost. That’s Simply called Financial Independency. What if It told You that the solution for that is in the answer to the Question: “What is Passive Income”?

Passive income is the earnings You can get on Autopilot. After identifying the Streams or Methods to obtain that Passive Income, You will need to put some initial effort to start earning some money, that effort will bring you consistent earnings for Years to come. The best advantage of this approach is that, Your limited effort to evolve each of your several streams of income will stack your Passive Income on top of previous efforts and that means, You will grow Your Monthly Intake Constantly. This approach does not have a maximum limit of earnings you can generate, making this the Best Way to get Your, so desired, Financial Independency. Sky’s the Limit.

How to start Building Your Passive Income

There are several Streams of Passive Income, several ways of Building a steady intake of money each Month. This are the 5 first steps that you can Action TODAY to start building Your Passive Income:  

Step #1. Start Your Own Niche blog

A Niche Blog is one of the best Methods to start Building Your Online Passive income. A Blog will allow you to share your Knowledge and add Value to the reader, that will grow Your regular audience Organically. That traffic can be Monetized by different Methods. Let’s explain what you need to start Your Niche Blog:

  1. Find a Niche: Select a Niche that You are comfortable with because that will help you to create the content you need.
  2. Choose a Web Host: This Web host is where Your Blog will be stored and Maintained. Here you have two Hosting services that We recommend:
    1. Hostgator
    2. Bluehost
  3.  Register the Domain: The Domain is the Name of You Blog [ex.]
  4. Setup a WordPress Blog
  5. Start Blog Posting frequently [ex. 5 Posts a Week] always adding value to the reader.
  6. Make Sure You have around 25 Posts before moving to the next steps
Step #2. Start Using Affiliate Marketing

A really good method to monetize Your blog and, therefore, build your passive income, is to use affiliate marketing, which involves earning a commission to sell 3rd party’s products or services. You will reference in Your blog the products and services relevant to Your niche and You will use the affiliate link, provided by the 3rd party to get people to their site and then you just collect the commissions on the sales the 3rd party company will get. Note that +, in some cases, those commissions can go up to 60% or 70%. These Affiliate sales don’t involve a lot of work. You just have to share a product and you earn when people buy them. 

We can divide the Affiliate Market in 2 big Groups:

  1. Affiliate Networks: These Networks will give you access to thousands of Products and/or Services You can Promote and get commissions on. Here You have some of the recommended Affiliate Networks:
  2. Single Brand Affiliate Programs: Almost every site or brand out there has his proper Affiliate Program (Just search on google the name of the brand space Affiliate Program). One of the biggest brands with affiliate program is Amazon Associates.
Step #3. Create Your YouTube Channel

You can Start Your YouTube channel to support Your Blog, and it is also a reliable source of passive income by itself. You can earn money through collaborations with affiliate marketers, get paid for advertisements, get paid by sponsorships, and get monetized by views. This has a great income potential, especially if you love creating videos. Your topics can just be something you love to do or talk about.

Step #4. Create Your Own digital Product

A digital product is any product that can be purchased and consumed online. This can be in the form of simple content, this includes some form of content, such as a newsletter, podcast, video, ebook, or course.

Although a Digital Product can be either entertainment (such as music or a storybook) or educational (such as a course or instructional ebook), the last option is what is most appealing to this type of Passive income. You can create one or several Digital Courses and/or eBooks relevant in Your Niche that you can sell to Your audience over and over again.


In Summary, to start Building Your Passive Income You can take several approaches, but the one I believe is the Best one is what I just explained:

Create Your Blog in a niche that You have interest in and Post periodically to engage  with Your audience, always adding Value, then You should enroll in some affiliate platforms or some brands affiliate Programs to start using the Links in You Blog and collect Your percentage. After that You should start Your YouTube channel to start enriching Your Blog with Videos and linking them together (Note that You can also monetize Your YouTube Channel with affiliate links. When You have been posting for a while and You are already being perceived as an authority You can create your own online course or eBook that You can sell in your Blog.

All of these Steps will help you gradually increase You Passive Income every month. In other Words, it will take some of Your time but every single time you spend on Your Process it will Potentially increase your Passive Income a little bit more for Years to come.